RevFlex Overview

REVFLEX in a nutshell

RevFlex provides low cost, on demand access to HP BTO software (HP Quality Center, HP Application Lifecycle Management, HP Performance Center and more). With RevFlex, your teams can easily obtain access to the tools, support, templates and best practices.

Revolution IT has partnered with Hewlett Packard to provide a hosted environment with the latest BTO software solutions. The pricing model is flexible and allows immediate access on a 'pay as you go' basis in daily or monthly increments.

Revolution IT provides first line support (9am to 5pm) as well as access to our Intellectual Property (IP) to help accelerate and optimise the use of the tools through process, methodologies and frameworks.

RevFlex includes the standard HP Service Level Agreements and controls around data centre security and operations. HP provides second level support and maintenance of the infrastructure. 


With RevFlex Software as a Service, access to HP’s leading AQM tools is affordable, flexible, fast and efficient.

Learn more about the benefits of RevFlex 


Our flexible and simple pricing models ensure you don't overspend or commit to an unnecessary large number of licenses.

RevFlex Pay-per-Use allows you to sign up for a number of licenses for a predefined term. During busy periods, if the actual number of licenses consumed exceeds the number of licenses acquired, we will calculate the number of days and the actual number of concurrent users utilised. Based on those numbers, we will invoice any additional usage for the month. Your monthly bill includes a summary of the licenses utilised throughout the month.

If the number of licenses consumed significantly exceeds the licenses you acquired over a period of more than three months, we will contact you to reassess your plans. By monitoring your license usage we ensure that your plan remains the most economical for your actual needs.

RevFlex provides access to the HP tools in a number of models: Pay-per-Use, Shared, Dedicated and Advanced.

Learn more about RevFlex pricing models and Pey per Use offer


RevFlex is hosted in HP's data centre, located in Sydney. Powered by HP, RevFlex provides you with a stable, scalable environment where your BTO applications are monitored 24x7 to ensure an exceptional service level agreement of 99.9% availability.

To meet standard corporate security requirements, HP SaaS has implemented numerous physical security measures, firewalls and routers, access control lists, operating system hardening and other security related processes. HP SaaS is ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certified by global consultancy KPMG.

Learn more about RevFlex security and technical information

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