Our Security Testing managed services combines best of breed tools, process and experienced consultants to assist organizations in finding application security defects and risks, remediating those defects and educating development teams to prevent future defects from reaching the application.
Revolution IT offers the following types of Security Testing managed services:
Web Application Penetration Testing
This service consists of a combination of Dynamic Web Vulnerability scanning combined with manual penetration testing activities to assess the vulnerability of the target system to a wide range of attack vectors and exploits. The engagement can be tailored in a number of ways, including the level of coverage in terms of both systems and functional areas, depth of exploits assessed, whether it is performed remotely, internally or both, and how the service is integrated into existing testing and operational processes.
Web Application Dynamic Scanning
Dynamic scanning is a subset of a full Penetration Test, and can be used to provide a base level of coverage more frequently than is cost effective through a full penetration testing exercise, ensuring that potential exploits are detected much earlier than would otherwise be the case. This service can be provided both internally and externally from the clients network, provided as either a regular or adhoc service, and also customised to the level of exploits assessed.
Static Code Analysis Vulnerability Scanning
Static Code analysis consists of the automated scanning of packaged code for security and vulnerability issues, utilising the market leading HP Fortify technology. This technology involves a number of advanced algorithms that identify code based issues, identifying issues much earlier than is possible through actual dynamic testing or penetration testing. This service also includes a review and explanation of all results, to ensure that detected issues can be rectified.
Learn more about RevFlex Application Security Center.
Contact Revolution IT today to discuss your security testing requirements.
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